The Peacock Tale

The Peacock Tale

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tap in Thursday's

Strong Spouses...Army Strong are hosting a new meme, Tap in Thursday's. Please click on their name to join them in this great meme!

1. Name an instillation you have been stationed.
Fort Drum, New York also called North Country or Jefferson County

2. Did/do you live on post or off?
We were lucky and live on post at one of the newly built homes.

3. What would you recommend for newcomers to do about housing?
For housing off post, I would look into the smaller towns right outside the gate; Evan Mills, Calcium, Watertown to find some apartments or townhomes. The housing office does provide a list of apartments nearby that include whether or not pets are allowed, if you can break the lease, and other important issues!

4. Where is an inexpensive place you can stay off post while waiting for on post living?
There is a Bread and Breakfast, Grand View B&B outside the main gate that offers a room/bathroom and full kitchen (to share) for $1000 a month. There is a weekly charge as well. This is a good place in case you know you are at the top of the wait list and want to hang on to the security deposit you might loose renting an apartment. They are also dog friendly.

5. How is the housing office? Do you have any recommendations or specific people to speak with?
The Fort Drum Mountain Community housing office was very helpful! They provided me with important paperwork and were straightforward with me. I spoke with Gail, mostly by email and she was great!

6. How is the wait list?
The wait list for us wasn't too bad coming from Korea, they used the date he left for Korea. I heard recently that coming back from a deployment does not put you at the top of the list. I know one friend started here at number 23, and now is at 28. Priority people go ahead of newly married with no children. 

Thanks Strong Spouses! What a great idea!!


  1. I love how I helped with this post without even knowing! One of these days you are going to need to teach/show me how to do this weekly stuff like Foto Friday and Milspouse Monday and all that jam.

  2. We almost went to Drum! That was my hubby's original (first) duty station, but while at BOLC he found someone who was willing to trade a spot at Fort Drum for a spot at Fort Hood, so as of now we're going there.

    I love this post, though, and I think it's a great idea. I wish I could contribute lol
