The Peacock Tale

The Peacock Tale

Friday, December 24, 2010

Foto Friday

Household6Diva FotoFridayFoto Friday, hosted by Household 6 Diva picked "Holidays" for this week's theme. It is fitting since today is Christmas Eve.

This Christmas I will be one of many military wives spending the holiday sans husband. Deployments and trainings typically fall directly on a special occasion. I guess that is why we celebrated the holidays before he left. Although, Christmas is still all around me. Here are some "fotos" to share. Merry Christmas. Thank you to all of the military families who support their soldiers, sailors, pilot, men and women who serve! You do not get enough recognition during this holiday season. Yes, they will put our husband on the big screen at the College Bowl games that say, "Merry Christmas from Iraq or Afghanistan" which is super nice, but they should start putting the families on there too! I raise my glass of eggnog to you this holiday!

American Heroes

Christmas Cards

The Holy Family


  1. Love all the colorful cards and the beautiful photo of the nativity.

  2. Love your Christmas cards and vintage processing

  3. Love your display of Christmas cards! I can't wait 'til we get big kid furniture so I have a place to display our greeting cards each season!

  4. Your photos are lovely! I'm sending my best wishes for a Merry Christmas your way!
