I would like to give a couple examples of women that exemplify this everyday life.

This woman's skills are wonderful. She definitely does not take for granted her God given talents. I love how she combines music, poems, art and life within her blog and photographs. She definitely shows the spirit of Christmas. It's my favorite! Her blog is called "Quiet Life." Check her out!
The Six of Us
It's nice to be appreciated! I am so glad that my MILSPOUSE Secret Santa gift exchange with Wife of a Sailor, went so smoothly! Kim thoroughly enjoyed her "loot" as she put it! She is a wonderful Mom and has such a positive outlook on life! Thanks Kim. I hope you and your beautiful family have a Merry Christmas.
Army Soldier, Army Wife, Army Life!
I may be biased, because she is one of my dearest friends, but this beautiful, young mother really exemplifies Mary. She has an enormous heart that beats for her family and God. I can always count on her to shed a positive light on our crazy life! Thank you!
Tears! Tears of Joy are pouring down my face! You are one of my dearest and most understanding friends :) Thank you so much for including me in this post and for entrusting me with your amazing friendship. Gabe, Lily & I are truly blessed by you AND Your LT!